aroma di caffè
Decent coffee only tastes good when it’s made ethically and with care. Check out our signature recipes for a perfect cup.
What you’ll need
10g Maragogipe 300ml of filtered water Plunger or teapot Spoon
Place 10g of maragogipe coffee cherries in a plunger or teapot
Boil water to approximately 90° and pour over roasted maragogipe
Allow to infuse for 3-5 minutes
Give it a good stir with a spoon
Serve into cups, leaving cherries behind in your plunger or teapot

What you’ll need
10g Malai Bianca
300ml of filtered water Plunger or teapot Spoon
Place 10g of Malai Bianca coffee or teapot
Boil water to approximately 90° and pour over cáscara
Allow to infuse for 5 minutes
Give it a good stir with a spoon

What you’ll need
10g Vienna Fav
20g cream 300ml of filtered
water Plunger or teapot Spoon
Place 10g of Vienna coffee cherries in a plunger or teapot
Boil water to approximately 90° and pour over the coffee
Give it a good stir with a spoon
Allow to infuse and add cream on top
Serve into cups, add chocolate sprinklings